Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Post #2

In your opinion, did Kit make the right choice in coming to Wethersfield?
What might you have done in her place?


  1. i would not because she left her quiet house to live in a even biger city so i would not because she is not used to a being in a large city ,like so.

    wrote by daniel:)

  2. if i were her i would do the same thing because i do not like small places. but for her that might not be the right decision because she is use to a small place so it will be a big differnce for her.

  3. i read a little farther last night and i think it would feel weird to stay with an aunt u have never meet do any of you agree with me?? and the tittle does not match what has happened so far in the book

    Emily and the 1 before alysssa

  4. never mind alyssa never posted so the two last one were emily

  5. One time I had to stay at my husband's aunt's house all by myself with just his aunt and uncle. I had to spend the night and it was really awkward. I can't imagine what it may have been like to live there for an extended period of time. I'm glad to live at my own house!
